Der offener Brief (the Letter of) von Nobelpreisträger Prof. Joseph Stiglitz in seinem Brief ‚Hi … I’m Capitalism!‘

Hi … I’m Capitalism!
I raised up your daughters with Barbies, today why are you are surprised when they want money from you for plastic surgery!
I’ve created a huge fashion industry for the sake of my interests! I’ve achieved what I wanted; most of the 17-year-old girl are disturbed by their physical apperance.
I’m Capitalism! Now, looking a fashion magazine for 15 minutes, is enough to dislike of a woman from her own body. I’ve so much changed of your point of view about capitalism that the life story of a thief and elitist CEO can be “perseverance and success story” for you.
I’m capitalism! I don’t have any concern in a society where a person wastes time an average 5.5 hours per day by watching TV, doesn’t read books and very few go to theater and cinema.
I’m capitalism! And Steve Jobs, of course, was very important person, he has skill to producing machines which were only 1% of us needs while he was very succesful in product at third world counties with cheap labor.
Of course, all the capitalists will talk like a “saint”, like Bill Gates, a saint who lives in a worth $ 150 million, 66,000 m2 house!
I am capitalism and because of me there are so many bloody knife fights between inherited relatives. Each year 20 million children are dying because of hunger!
I am capitalism, and because of me there are 600 million obese and 1.4 billion hungry people in the world!
I’m capitalism and a farmer who sells coffee bean to Starbucks has to work 3 days to buy a cup of coffee from Starbucks!
I’m capitalism and the Far Eastern girls aged 6-12 years are sold for $ 200 as sex slavery!
I am capitalism and the “free market economy” is the biggest lie of world! 24% of American says that if it would be neccesary for being a billionaire they can make that they refuse own family.
I’m capitalism and I make a call to the women! Please run to Victoria’s Secret without thinking that you turned into an object.
I guarantee when you buy a very small underwear with $ 80, you will be very happy with!
I’m capitalism! Last I’ve heard that 15-year-old boy sold his kidney to get an iPad. I have been tickled with pleasure!
I’m capitalism and Madonna has 8 houses in only London, the average size which may be large enough to be shelter for the 600 homeless! A child who works for Disney factory in Thailand, has to work 55 days to save the money to go to Disneyland!
Despite the 90% world’s gold reserves in the hands of the African continent has, there are only 4 African billionaire in the world. Each year, 8,5 million worth diamond is mining, this is very enough to solve the continent’s hunger problem.
I am capitalism and you love the diamonds! 1 million people for earning $ 1.2 per day in India are producing these diamonds!
I convinced to the world that a beautiful woman is a blond woman. That’s why in Asia 300 million women are using bleaching soaps regularly.
64% of Hollywood stars who you admire of their life are cocain addicted.
I am capitalism and while each year 20 million children are starving, you ashamed to wear the same shirt twice a week!
I am capitalism and which god that you are talking about! You realise anymore, I am the only god you adore!
Which god you are talking about while Muslims worship in the 5 star luxury hotels with Kaaba views!
Which god you are talking about while Christians celebrate the “Christmas” for just shopping and having fun!
Nobody knows there are 7 million homeless people in USA, because all Americans are seen on the screens they live in villas with pool!
I am capitalism and I am succeed again! I made the women believe that they don’t have any clothes although their wardrobe fills full.
50% of the world’s population has got only 1% of the world’s resources and wealth.
1% of the world population owns 50% of the world’s resources and wealth.
I’m capitalism, and bankers are my children!
85% of Americans said that they can choose a fascist government if the economic situation could improve. That’s the power of this capital!
I am capitalism! And,
How bizarre is that you set up a government which precencors to your opinion and takes your freedom from your hands, eventually will kill you by police bullet!
How bizarre is that you provide the money for establishing a government which breaks your nose and puts you into jail with your own tax money!
These words were quoted from Joseph Stiglitz‘s letter from his book “The Price of Inequality”

Joseph Stiglitz: Schädliche Ungleichheit
Südwest Presse, 01.10.2015

Stiglitz widerspricht allen neoliberalen Ideologen, die jede Umverteilung durch eine faire Steuerpolitik zum Teufelswerk erklären. Interessant ist auch, was er zu den Verhandlungen über das Freihandelsabkommen TTIP schreibt: „Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist gering, dass bei den Gesprächen etwas herauskommt, das den Interessen der amerikanischen Durchschnittsbürger dient – und die Aussichten für die einfachen Bürger anderer Länder sind noch düsterer.“ Sein Fazit ist so eindeutig wie ernüchternd: So lange die Staatenlenker der Welt die extremen Ungleichheiten bei der Vermögensverteilung ignorieren, ist keine nachhaltige Entwicklung möglich – weder national noch global.

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